This is a graphic of the government structure of the Roman Republic.

Which statement about the government of the Roman Republic is true?
A. It was a dictatorship.
B. It had a separation of powers.
C. It was a monarchy. -------- My answer ---------
D.It had a federal system.

Please tell me if this is correct.
(ps it is a link. The link is the graph)

Because of the problems that might be involved, we do not click on links, but I would agree with your answer.

To determine which statement about the government of the Roman Republic is true, we can refer to the provided graphic representation of the government structure.

Unfortunately, I cannot access or view the content of external links or images directly. However, I can help guide you on how to analyze the provided graphic to find the correct answer.

Please describe the elements and features of the government structure as depicted in the graphic, and I'll assist you in identifying the correct statement.