At the halftime show, a marching band marched in formation. The lead drummer started at a point with coordinates (-2, -5) and moved 3 steps up and 1 step right

Come on guys let's help this person out

This is valid only if one step has a value of 1 on the numeric line.

1 step right means:

x increases by 1

New x coordinate = - 2 + 1 = - 1

Moved 3 steps up means:

y increases by 3

New y coordinate = - 5 + 3 = - 2

New position is ( - 1 , - 2 )

To find the new coordinates after the drummer moved, we need to add the number of steps moved to the original coordinates.

The lead drummer started at (-2, -5). Moving 3 steps up means moving 3 units in the positive y-direction, and moving 1 step right means moving 1 unit in the positive x-direction.

To find the new y-coordinate, we add 3 to the original y-coordinate of -5:
-5 + 3 = -2

To find the new x-coordinate, we add 1 to the original x-coordinate of -2:
-2 + 1 = -1

Therefore, the lead drummer's new coordinates after moving 3 steps up and 1 step right are (-1, -2).