Determine which word relationship is used in the following passage.

Marsupials are members of the mammal family. Kangaroos, koalas, and opossums are considered well-known types of marsupials.

To determine which word relationship is used in the passage, we can look for clues and keywords that indicate a type of relationship between words. Let's analyze the passage:

"Marsupials are members of the mammal family. Kangaroos, koalas, and opossums are considered well-known types of marsupials."

In this passage, the word relationship being used is "classification" or "categorization." The passage is providing information about marsupials and then going on to categorize specific examples of marsupials, such as kangaroos, koalas, and opossums.

To find this answer, we can identify the words that indicate the relationship. In this case, the passage uses the word "types" to indicate that it is describing different categories or classifications of marsupials.

By analyzing the context and identifying the keywords, we can determine that the word relationship used in this passage is classification.