four-fifths of terrances text messages are to his friends. One-half of those messages are to his friend Bianca. Terrance sends 120 text messages. How many text messages are to Bianca?

120 * 4/5 * 1/2 = 48

We need to find out how many text messages Terrance sent to Bianca.

First, let's calculate the number of text messages that Terrance sent to his friends. Since four-fifths of his text messages are to his friends, we multiply the total number of text messages by four-fifths:

4/5 * 120 = 96.

Terrance sent 96 text messages to his friends.

Now, let's calculate the number of text messages Terrance sent to Bianca. Since one-half of the messages to his friends are to Bianca, we multiply the number of messages to his friends by one-half:

1/2 * 96 = 48.

Terrance sent 48 text messages to Bianca.

To find out how many text messages Terrance sends to Bianca, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the fraction of Terrance's text messages that are to his friends.
Given that four-fifths of Terrance's text messages are to his friends, the fraction can be calculated as 4/5.

Step 2: Determine the fraction of text messages to Bianca among those sent to friends.
Given that one-half of Terrance's messages to his friends are to Bianca, the fraction can be calculated as 1/2.

Step 3: Calculate the number of text messages sent by Terrance.
Given that Terrance sends 120 text messages, this represents the total.

Now, let's calculate the number of text messages sent to Bianca:

Step 1: Calculate the fraction of text messages sent to friends:
Total messages sent to friends = (4/5) * 120 = 96 messages.

Step 2: Calculate the number of messages sent to Bianca:
Messages sent to Bianca = (1/2) * 96 = 48 messages.

Therefore, Terrance sends 48 text messages to Bianca.