What were some major provisions of the United States Constitution that were established during the Constitutional Convention?

The United States Constitution, established during the Constitutional Convention in 1787, lays out the framework of the United States government and its fundamental laws. Here are some major provisions that were established during the convention:

1. Separation of Powers: The Constitution divides the powers of the federal government into three branches: the legislative branch (Congress), the executive branch (President), and the judicial branch (Supreme Court). This system of separation of powers ensures a system of checks and balances, preventing any one branch from becoming too powerful.

2. Federalism: The Constitution establishes a federal system where power is shared between the federal government and the state governments. The federal government is given certain enumerated powers, while all other powers are reserved for the states. This distribution of power helps maintain a balance between national unity and state autonomy.

3. Bicameral Legislature: The Constitution establishes a bicameral legislature, consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate. This ensures representation from both the population (House of Representatives) and the states (Senate). The Great Compromise established this dual system to appease both large and small states.

4. Bill of Rights: Although the Bill of Rights was not part of the original Constitution, it was added shortly after its ratification. The first ten amendments guarantee various individual rights and freedoms, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to a fair trial.

5. Electoral College: The Constitution established the Electoral College as the method to elect the President. This system combines the popular vote with the influence of each state, giving smaller states a more pronounced role in the presidential election.

To gain a deeper understanding of the major provisions of the United States Constitution, you can consult primary sources like the Constitution itself, available on official government websites or reputable academic sources. You can also refer to secondary sources such as books, articles, and lectures by constitutional scholars, as well as educational resources provided by reputable institutions. These sources will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the topics and allow you to explore different perspectives as well.