To win a Travia game, Megan must score 90 points each correct answer is worth 1 3/4 points, and each incorrect answer is worth -1/4 points,and each incorrect,does nevándose win? How many points does he score?

To determine how many points Megan scores, we need to calculate the total number of correct answers and incorrect answers.

1. Let's suppose Megan answers "x" number of questions correctly.
2. Each correct answer is worth 1 3/4 points, so the total points for correct answers would be (1 3/4) * x = (7/4) * x.
3. Now, let's suppose Megan answers "y" number of questions incorrectly.
4. Each incorrect answer is worth -1/4 points, so the total points for incorrect answers would be (-1/4) * y = -y/4.

Since Megan must score 90 points in total, we can set up the equation as follows:

(7/4) * x + (-y/4) = 90

To find the values of x and y, we need additional information or constraints.