An electrician charges $50 for a service call plus $25 an hour. The last service call cost $125. If 𝑛= hours worked, write an equation to describe this situation. (Hint: Use the variable 𝑛 and put it in the first box.)

c = 50+25n

Let's break down the given information step by step.

The electrician charges $50 for a service call, which means this is a fixed cost that does not depend on the number of hours worked.

The electrician also charges $25 an hour, which is the variable cost. This means that the cost will increase based on the number of hours worked.

The last service call cost $125, which means that the total cost includes both the fixed cost of $50 and the variable cost based on the hours worked.

Let's define the variable 𝑛 as the number of hours worked.

The equation to represent this situation can be written as:
Total cost = Fixed cost + (Variable cost per hour) * (Number of hours worked)

In this case, the fixed cost is $50 and the variable cost per hour is $25. So the equation becomes:

Total cost = $50 + $25 * 𝑛

Simplifying further, we get:

Total cost = $50 + $25𝑛

Therefore, the equation to describe this situation is Total cost = $50 + $25𝑛.

To write an equation that describes this situation, we can break it down into two parts: the initial service call fee and the hourly charge.

Let's start with the initial service call fee. Since the electrician charges $50 for the service call, we can represent this part of the equation as a constant, which we'll call C.

Next, we have the hourly charge, which is $25 an hour. The electrician worked for "n" hours, so the total cost for the hourly charge is $25 multiplied by "n", which can be represented as 25n.

Finally, we know that the total cost of the service call was $125. So we can express this as an equation:

C + 25n = 125

Since we know that the service call fee is $50, we can substitute C with 50 in the equation:

50 + 25n = 125

Therefore, the equation that describes this situation is 50 + 25n = 125.