Terrance is making goodie bags for a party. He has to make 14 bags, and he is putting 2.2 pounds of candy into each bag. How much candy will Terrance need to make all of the bags? **

surely by now you can figure out when to multiply or divide, and just do the math?

What do you think for this one?

If the numbers confuse you, try using smaller ones.
3 bags of 2 lbs each = 6lbs total, right?
So use the numbers they gave you and do the same steps.

so its multiply

u still there

To find out how much candy Terrance will need to make all of the bags, we need to multiply the amount of candy he is putting into each bag (2.2 pounds) by the number of bags he is making (14 bags).

So, the calculation would be: 2.2 pounds x 14 bags.

To find the answer, we multiply:

2.2 x 14 = 30.8 pounds.

Terrance will need 30.8 pounds of candy to make all of the bags.