Which of the following was one way the Constitution attempted to reconcile a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

1. B

2. A,C,E
3. B
4. D

urmom 100%

What following?

the constitution sir

do you know the answer

Thanks guys i alway go on here and answer peoples questions and answers

To determine which way the Constitution attempted to address a weakness of the Articles of Confederation, we need to compare the two documents. Firstly, the weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that it established a weak central government with limited powers, which ultimately hindered its ability to govern effectively.

Now, let's consider some provisions of the Constitution that sought to address this weakness:

1. Stronger Central Government: The Constitution established a stronger central government compared to the Articles of Confederation. It created three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial), unlike the weak unicameral legislative body under the Articles. This separation of powers helped balance authority and provide a more effective system of governance.

2. Expanded National Powers: The Constitution granted the central government increased powers, such as the ability to regulate commerce, levy taxes, and maintain a standing army. The Articles lacked these powers, making it difficult for the central government to address national issues and enforce laws uniformly.

3. Supremacy Clause: The Constitution included a Supremacy Clause, which states that federal law prevails over state laws when there is a conflict. This provision ensured that the central government's authority would be recognized and respected, addressing the issues of state sovereignty and lack of enforcement power faced under the Articles.

Considering these points, one way the Constitution attempted to reconcile a weakness of the Articles of Confederation was by creating a stronger central government with expanded powers and a clear framework for its authority.

can someone please help me

i will listen i will say maam or sir