Which of the following statements was a law establish by the NorthWest Ordinace

A. only territories with a population of at lest 60,000 could apply to state hood.
B.The educational system would be paid for by the central goverment.
C. Anyone who escaped slavery would be garanteed freedom.
D. New states would be considerd infeiror to establish states for their first 20 years.

I belive it's A. Please correct me if i'm wrong!

Your right its A

To determine which statement was established as a law by the Northwest Ordinance, we need to analyze each option and identify the correct one.

A. The statement that only territories with a population of at least 60,000 could apply for statehood is indeed part of the Northwest Ordinance. It established a process for admitting new states into the Union, which included the population requirement.

B. The Northwest Ordinance did not address the payment for the educational system by the central government. Therefore, statement B is not correct.

C. The Northwest Ordinance did not guarantee freedom to individuals who escaped slavery. This issue was not addressed in the ordinance. Therefore, statement C is not correct.

D. The Northwest Ordinance explicitly stated that new states created from the territories would be admitted into the Union on equal terms with the existing states. There was no provision for considering new states as inferior for their first 20 years. Thus, statement D is not correct.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the correct statement established as law by the Northwest Ordinance is A. Only territories with a population of at least 60,000 could apply for statehood.