1) Who were the Nor' Westers

a. farmers who settled on the north west territories
b. railroad workers who were involved in the building of the northwest line
c. sailors who traviled the route from the eastern seaboard to the pasific northwest territories
d. trappers who worked with the northwest company

3.8.11 - Quick Check: Major Players in the Fur Trade

1- d
2- b
3- a, d, e
4- c
5- a
Got 100% not that u trust me :3

Washington state history unit 3 lesson 8 major players in the fur trade

number 4 might be wrong

1) d
2) b
3) a, d, e
4) a
5) a

4 is c not a but everything else is right

Room is correct

Answers for Major players in fur trade quick check:

1- D: Trappers who worked with...
2- B: It believed the...
3- A: Developed a..., D: Provided food..., E: Expanded Hudson...
4- C: He made...
5- A: They feared...

Make sure to drink lots of water and wash your face!! Also remember to spritz a little perfume/cologne. It's such a confidence boost.

Im doing that one right now Ill tell answers after!!!! :)

That question is D

thank you guys so so so so so so so much

number four is I think in was D or C I can't remember

The Nor' Westers were d. trappers who worked with the Northwest Company.

To arrive at this answer, let's examine the options one by one and explain how to eliminate incorrect choices:

a. farmers who settled on the northwest territories: This option is incorrect because the Nor' Westers were not farmers. They were involved in a different profession.

b. railroad workers who were involved in the building of the northwest line: This option is incorrect because the Nor' Westers were active before the construction of railroads in the northwest region began.

c. sailors who traveled the route from the eastern seaboard to the Pacific northwest territories: This option is incorrect because although sailors did explore the region, the Nor' Westers were not specifically sailors. Their occupation was different.

d. trappers who worked with the Northwest Company: This option is correct. The Nor' Westers were trappers who worked for the Northwest Company, a fur trading company that operated in the northwest territories.

Based on the explanations provided, the correct answer is d. trappers who worked with the Northwest Company.