PQRST is a regular polygon, the sides QR are produced to meet X. Calculate The Angles Of RXS

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To calculate the angles of RXS, we need to know the number of sides of the regular polygon and any specific information given about the position of R, X, and S. Please provide more details or any given information so I can assist you in calculating the angles.

To find the angles of RXS, we need to know the number of sides of the regular polygon PQRST. Let's assume that the regular polygon has n sides.

Here's how we can calculate the angles of RXS:

1. Determine the measure of each interior angle of the regular polygon:
- The sum of the interior angles of any n-sided polygon is given by the formula: (n - 2) * 180 degrees.
- So, each interior angle of the regular polygon PQRST would be [(n - 2) * 180] / n degrees.

2. Since RXS is formed by producing the sides QR, we should consider the external angle at Q, which is the supplement of the interior angle of the polygon:
- The exterior angle of a polygon is equal to 360 degrees divided by the number of sides, which is 360/n degrees.
- So, the angle RQS (an exterior angle) would be 360/n degrees.

3. The angle RXS can be calculated by subtracting the angle RQS from the interior angle at Q:
- Angle RXS = [(n - 2) * 180] / n - 360/n degrees.

Please provide the value of n (the number of sides) in order to calculate the specific angle value for RXS.