The Wesleyan advisory earned 12.5 bonus minutes of recess for the week. The Bentley advisory earned 9.25 minutes more bonus time than Wesleyan. How many bonus minutes of recess did the Bentley advisory earn? **

21.75 minutes

impatient much?

see your previous post



To find the number of bonus minutes earned by the Bentley advisory, we need to add the number of bonus minutes earned by Wesleyan and the additional 9.25 minutes.

First, we calculate the total number of bonus minutes earned by Wesleyan, which is 12.5 minutes.

Then, we add the additional 9.25 minutes earned by Bentley to the 12.5 minutes.

12.5 + 9.25 = 21.75

Therefore, the Bentley advisory earned 21.75 minutes of bonus recess.