1. Which of the following is a likely result of trade barriers?

A. reduced competition
B. lower prices
C. more choices
D. increase in imports

2. Which of the following is a feature of a developed country?
A. high tariffs
B. lower standards of living
C. a strong economy
D. lower productivity

plz someone help me?? i need the answers like now? plzzz

What is the answer

A reduced competition

what is it its c

1. To determine the likely result of trade barriers, we need to understand what trade barriers are. Trade barriers are government-imposed restrictions on the flow of goods and services between countries. They can take various forms, such as tariffs (taxes on imported goods), quotas (limits on the quantity of goods that can be imported), or subsidies (financial assistance given to domestic producers). Now, let's evaluate each option to find the likely result of trade barriers:

A. Reduced competition: Trade barriers can lead to reduced competition by limiting the number of foreign producers that can participate in a domestic market.

B. Lower prices: Trade barriers generally have the opposite effect on prices. They often increase the cost of imported goods through tariffs or quotas, which can lead to higher prices for consumers.

C. More choices: Trade barriers may limit the variety of choices available to consumers since they restrict the entry of foreign goods into the domestic market.

D. Increase in imports: Trade barriers typically have the opposite effect on imports. They are designed to restrict the quantity of imported goods, so an increase in imports would not be a likely result of trade barriers.

Based on this analysis, the most likely result of trade barriers is A. reduced competition.

2. To identify the feature of a developed country, we need to understand what generally characterizes developed countries:

A. High tariffs: Developed countries often have lower tariffs or trade barriers, as they tend to have more open economies and engage in international trade.

B. Lower standards of living: Developed countries typically have higher standards of living, including access to quality education, healthcare, and public services.

C. A strong economy: Developed countries generally have robust and advanced economies, characterized by high income levels, low inflation, and stable financial systems.

D. Lower productivity: Developed countries tend to have higher productivity levels due to advanced technology, efficient infrastructure, and a skilled workforce.

Based on these characteristics, the feature of a developed country is C. a strong economy.

Please note that trade and development are complex topics, and these are general explanations. It's always best to refer to authoritative sources or consult experts for a more comprehensive understanding.