1. Which of the following is a likely result of trade barriers?

A. reduced competition
B. lower prices
C. more choices
D. increase in imports

2. Which of the following is a feature of a developed country?
A. high tariffs
B. lower standards of living
C. a strong economy
D. lower productivity

To answer these questions, we can analyze each option and determine which one is the most likely result or feature based on the topic at hand.

1. The likely result of trade barriers is reduced competition, so the answer would be A. reduced competition.
Trade barriers, such as tariffs or import quotas, restrict foreign competition in domestic markets, resulting in reduced competition for domestic industries. This can protect domestic industries from foreign competition but can also limit consumer choice and innovation.

2. The feature of a developed country is a strong economy, so the answer would be C. a strong economy.
Developed countries typically have advanced industrial and technological sectors, high levels of infrastructure, and a well-educated workforce. These factors contribute to a strong economy, with high levels of productivity and overall prosperity. Developed countries generally have higher standards of living and tend to be economically stable.

To determine these answers, it's important to have a basic understanding of the concepts being discussed and analyze the options provided in relation to those concepts.