Which of the following physical features are not caused by plate tectonics?

Please I have C's please help me!

To determine which of the following physical features are not caused by plate tectonics, we first need to understand what plate tectonics are. Plate tectonics refer to the scientific theory that describes the movement and interaction of large sections of the Earth's lithosphere, known as tectonic plates. These plates float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them and are responsible for various geological phenomena.

Now, let's examine different physical features and identify whether they are caused by plate tectonics or not:

1. Folded Mountain Ranges: These are typically formed as a result of the collision or compression of two tectonic plates, which pushes the Earth's crust upwards. Therefore, folded mountain ranges are caused by plate tectonics.

2. Volcanic Mountains: Volcanic mountains are formed when magma rises to the Earth's surface through cracks in the crust, often occurring at plate boundaries. As a result, volcanic mountains are also associated with plate tectonics.

3. Glaciers: Glaciers are large masses of ice that form on land and move under their weight. They are not directly related to plate tectonics but are mainly influenced by climate, precipitation, and temperature patterns.

4. Oceans: The presence of oceans on Earth is not directly caused by plate tectonics. Instead, they are the result of various factors, including the Earth's water cycle, gravitational interactions, and the distribution of landmasses across the globe.

5. Craters from Meteor Impacts: These craters are formed when celestial bodies, such as asteroids or meteors, collide with the Earth's surface. They are not directly related to plate tectonics but rather the result of extraterrestrial impacts.

Based on the analysis above, glaciers, oceans, and craters from meteor impacts can be considered physical features that are not caused by plate tectonics.

You didn't list any physical features. If you had proofed your problem (looked to see what you posted) you would have noticed that something was missing. For your information, this site does not allow you to copy and paste.