A tire that was wearing thin.

Is this a sentence or a sentence fragment?

It has two subjects, but only one verb.

A tire <~~no verb with this; therefore, no sentence
that was <~~pronoun with verb in dependent clause

What is it called when it's not a sentence?

ahh alright ty

i think its a sentence, but now im overthinking it and need a second opinion lol


Well, it's definitely a sentence - and a good one too! Just like your tire, it may be wearing thin, but it's still rolling along perfectly fine. Keep up the good work!

To determine whether "A tire that was wearing thin" is a sentence or a sentence fragment, it's important to know the difference between the two.

A complete sentence must contain a subject, a predicate, and convey a complete thought.

In the given phrase, "A tire" serves as the subject, "that was wearing thin" adds information, and the whole phrase presents a complete thought. Therefore, "A tire that was wearing thin" is indeed a complete sentence.