Which of the following statements most accurately portrays life in the Southern Colonies' backcountry?

A.Farms were small and farmers were self-sufficient, making and growing enough to support only their families.
B.Most property owners were wealthy, and many lived on large, elegant plantations.
C.Farms were large and needed a lot of enslaved Africans to support the crops harvested for trade.

A is my answer

If that's not right i pick c sense it do make sense

Yes, A.

To determine the most accurate statement about life in the Southern Colonies' backcountry, we should examine the characteristics and historical context of the region.

The backcountry of the Southern Colonies refers to the inland, more remote areas, away from the more populous coastal regions. In these areas, farming was an essential way of life. Now let's analyze each option:

A. Farms were small and farmers were self-sufficient, making and growing enough to support only their families.
This statement accurately describes the nature of farming in the backcountry. Due to the relative isolation of these regions, farms in the backcountry were typically smaller and focused on subsistence farming. Families grew and produced enough food to support themselves but were not extensively involved in trade or large-scale agriculture.

B. Most property owners were wealthy, and many lived on large, elegant plantations.
This statement is not accurate regarding life in the backcountry. While larger and wealthier plantations could be found in the coastal areas, the backcountry was characterized by smaller farms and fewer wealthy property owners.

C. Farms were large and needed a lot of enslaved Africans to support the crops harvested for trade.
This statement does not accurately portray life in the backcountry. While slavery was indeed pervasive in the Southern Colonies, especially on larger plantations, the backcountry had a different agricultural landscape. The backcountry farms focused more on subsistence farming rather than cash crop production or large-scale agriculture that required a significant number of enslaved Africans.

Based on this analysis, option A is the most accurate statement about life in the Southern Colonies' backcountry.

" … backcountry" = in the mountains, away from the coast.


So which do you choose?