Calculate the volume of 0.010 M CuSO 4 solution needed to make 100 mL of a 5.0 10 ^ - 4 CuSO 4 solution .

M1 x mL1 = M2 x mL2

0.01 x mL1 = 5E-4 x 100
Solve for mL1 = ?. Let's say, for the fun of it that is 5 mL.
Then one proceeds by placing 5 mL of the 0.01 M CuSO4 into a 100 mL volumetric flask, then adding distilled water up to the mark. Mix thoroughly stopper, label. My point in writing this last part is to make sure you don't think you take 5 mL of the 0.01 M CuSO4 solution and add 100 mL of distilled H2O because then you will have more than 100 mL total. Also note that you don't add 95 mL water. By doing it the way I have written it means you add 5 mL of the 0.01 M CuSO4 and enough water to make it to the mark for a TOTAL volume of 100. That means you added approximately 95 mL distilled water.

To calculate the volume of the 0.010 M CuSO4 solution needed to make 100 mL of a 5.0 x 10^-4 CuSO4 solution, we need to use the formula:

M1V1 = M2V2

M1 = initial molarity of the solution
V1 = initial volume of the solution
M2 = final molarity of the solution
V2 = final volume of the solution

In this case, we know:
M1 = 0.010 M (the molarity of the initial solution)
V1 = the volume we are looking to find
M2 = 5.0 x 10^-4 M (the molarity of the final solution)
V2 = 100 mL (the final volume of the solution)

Rearranging the formula, we have:

V1 = (M2 x V2) / M1

Substituting the given values:

V1 = (5.0 x 10^-4 M x 100 mL) / 0.010 M

Calculating this, we find:

V1 = (5.0 x 10^-4) x (100 mL) / 0.010 = 5.0 mL

Therefore, you would need 5.0 mL of the 0.010 M CuSO4 solution to make 100 mL of a 5.x 10^-4 CuSO4 solution.

To calculate the volume of 0.010 M CuSO4 solution needed to make 100 mL of a 5.010^-4 CuSO4 solution, we can use the formula:

C1V1 = C2V2

C1 = initial concentration of CuSO4 solution
V1 = initial volume of CuSO4 solution
C2 = final concentration of CuSO4 solution
V2 = final volume of CuSO4 solution

In this case:
C1 = 0.010 M
V1 = unknown
C2 = 5.0 × 10^-4 M
V2 = 100 mL

Substituting the values into the formula, we have:

(0.010 M)(V1) = (5.0 × 10^-4 M)(100 mL)

Simplifying the equation, we can convert mL to L by dividing both sides by 1000:

0.010 V1 = (5.0 × 10^-4)(100/1000)

0.010 V1 = 5.0 × 10^-6

Now, solve for V1 by dividing both sides by 0.010:

V1 = (5.0 × 10^-6)/(0.010)

V1 = 5.0 × 10^-4 L

Therefore, the volume of 0.010 M CuSO4 solution needed to make 100 mL of a 5.0 × 10^-4 CuSO4 solution is 5.0 × 10^-4 liters.