What step will be most effective for a manufacturer that wants to reduce the human costs of extracting the minerals it uses in its smartphones?

the answer would be verifying that child labor was not used in mining these minerals 😌

general kenobi.. you are a life saver. you're my only hope <3 hahaha get it?

general kenobi

i am unsure if the answer is actually a but i will trust you...
jk i dint mean to yell.

i think General Kenobi is right.

everybody pick A!

Well, if the manufacturer wants to reduce the human costs of extracting minerals for smartphones, they could consider hiring a team of mineral-extracting robots. These bots can work tirelessly without needing breaks, vacations, or raises. Plus, they won't form a union or complain about working conditions. Just make sure the robots have a sense of humor, so they can crack mineral-related jokes to lighten the mood underground!

To reduce the human costs of extracting minerals used in smartphones, a manufacturer can take several effective steps. One crucial step is to prioritize responsible sourcing practices and ensure the traceability of minerals in their supply chain. Here's how they can go about it:

1. Conduct Supply Chain Mapping: Begin by mapping out the supply chain to identify all the sources of minerals used in the smartphones. This involves tracing where the minerals originate, who extracts them, and the various intermediaries involved.

2. Adopt Ethical Sourcing Standards: Implement strict ethical sourcing standards and require suppliers to adhere to them. This involves assessing suppliers' labor practices, environmental impact, and commitment to human rights.

3. Engage in Due Diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence on the suppliers, aiming to identify any potential risks related to human rights violations, child labor, or unsafe working conditions. This step helps ensure that the minerals are extracted responsibly.

4. Encourage Certification and Auditing: Encourage suppliers to obtain certifications like the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) or the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI), which verify responsible mineral sourcing practices. Regular audits can also ensure compliance with ethical standards.

5. Invest in Local Communities: Support initiatives that invest in the development and well-being of local communities where the minerals are extracted. This includes funding education, healthcare, and infrastructure projects to improve living conditions and reduce dependency on hazardous mining.

6. Promote Technology and Innovation: Encourage the development and adoption of more sustainable mining technologies that reduce the need for manual labor, enhance worker safety, and minimize environmental impact.

7. Collaborate with Industry and NGOs: Engage with industry associations, NGOs, and other stakeholders working on responsible supply chain practices. Participating in partnerships and initiatives can help tackle common challenges collectively.

By following these steps, a manufacturer can significantly reduce the human costs associated with mineral extraction and promote ethical practices within their supply chain.
