briefly explain TWO merits and two demerits of the fees must fall campaign in student fees in most higher education institutions

To write my assessment

To write my assessment

Question unclear.


1. Increased Accessibility: One merit of the Fees Must Fall campaign is that it brought attention to the issue of high tuition fees, making education more accessible to students from lower-income backgrounds. By advocating for reduced or waived fees, the campaign aimed to ensure that education is not limited to those who can afford it.

To explain this point further, one could conduct research on the Fees Must Fall movement and its objectives. Look for statements made by campaign leaders, arguments put forth by supporters, or news articles discussing the impact of reduced fees on accessibility. By citing specific examples and figures, the explanation will be more thorough.

2. Social Justice and Equality: The Fees Must Fall campaign also highlighted the broader issue of social inequality within higher education. It emphasized the importance of addressing the socio-economic disparities that prevent certain individuals or communities from fully benefiting from the education system. By advocating for more affordable education, the campaign sought to achieve social justice and equality.

To provide evidence for this merit, one could refer to academic studies or reports that examine the impact of high tuition fees on different socio-economic groups. The explanation could also include examples of how the campaign shed light on individual stories or instances of discrimination within the higher education system.

1. Disruption of Education: One demerit of the Fees Must Fall campaign was the disruption caused to academic activities. Protests, strikes, and occupations of university campuses disrupted lectures, exams, and overall normal functioning of institutions. This disruption affected students, faculty, and staff who were unable to continue their academic obligations.

To explain this point, one could refer to news articles or reports documenting the specific instances of disruption caused by the campaign – such as canceled classes or delayed examinations. It would be important to emphasize the negative impact this had on the timely completion of courses and overall learning outcomes.

2. Financial Implications: Another demerit of the Fees Must Fall campaign is the financial strain it put on institutions and the government. While low or free tuition fees may be desired, they directly impact the funding available for maintaining educational facilities, funding research, and providing quality education. This financial burden can lead to a decline in the overall quality of education.

To support this demerit, one could analyze the financial reports of institutions or government budgets to show the potential strain caused by reduced fees. Statements from university officials or government authorities discussing budgetary limitations due to the campaign would also strengthen the explanation.