Read the sentence from Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza.

People talked to one another on the street in low tones; only drunks and muchachitos mal educados raised their voices, or the arrieros when they shouted to their donkeys.
Which words best signal that "muchachitos mal educados" has a negative connotation?
A. People talked
B. on the street
C. raised their voices
D. their donkeys

I'll be happy to check your answer.

answere:on the street

never mind it is People talked.

please i need help

answer:on the street

The words that best signal that "muchachitos mal educados" has a negative connotation are the phrase "raised their voices." The other options, "People talked," "on the street," and "their donkeys," do not imply negativity or disapproval. However, the phrase "raised their voices" suggests that the behavior of "muchachitos mal educados" is considered improper or undesirable, indicating a negative connotation.