How are texting and instant messaging alike?I think its a

A. They are forms of instant digital communication.
B. Both must be done on a cell phone.
C. Both must be done on a computer.
D. Netiquette is not important when using either one.

A. is the only one that makes sense.

guessing so

To determine how texting and instant messaging are alike, let's break down the options provided:

A. They are forms of instant digital communication.
The correct answer is A. Both texting and instant messaging are forms of instant digital communication. They allow users to send and receive messages in real-time, making them convenient for quick conversations.

B. Both must be done on a cell phone.
This option is not entirely accurate. While texting is commonly done on cell phones, instant messaging can also be done on a variety of devices, including smartphones, computers, tablets, and even smartwatches. Therefore, this option is not the correct answer.

C. Both must be done on a computer.
This option is incorrect. As mentioned earlier, instant messaging can be done on various devices, not just computers. Therefore, this option is not the correct answer.

D. Netiquette is not important when using either one.
This option is incorrect. Netiquette, which refers to proper online behavior and etiquette, is important when using both texting and instant messaging. It's important to use polite and respectful language, refrain from spamming or sending inappropriate content, and consider the recipient's feelings when communicating through both mediums.

In conclusion, the correct answer is A - texting and instant messaging are forms of instant digital communication.