What eon represents the largest portion of geologic time? What era represents the shortest portion of geologic time?

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The Phanerozoic eon represents the largest portion of geologic time. It began around 541 million years ago and continues to the present day. It is divided into three eras: the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic.

The Cenozoic era represents the shortest portion of geologic time. It began around 66 million years ago and is still ongoing. This era is known for the diversification and dominance of mammals, including humans.

The eon that represents the largest portion of geologic time is the Precambrian eon. It represents about 88% of Earth's history. It is divided into three major subdivisions, the Hadean, Archean, and Proterozoic.

On the other hand, the era that represents the shortest portion of geologic time is the Cenozoic era. It began about 66 million years ago and is still ongoing today. It is the most recent era and represents only a small fraction of geologic time, approximately the last 1.6% of Earth's history.

To find the answer, you can refer to a geologic time scale. Geologic time scales are graphical representations of the history of Earth, divided into various eons, eras, periods, epochs, and ages. These scales are created based on extensive research and analysis of rock layers, fossils, and other geological evidence. By studying these time scales, you can understand the relative lengths of different geological time periods.