Read this central idea found in Immigrant Kids.

The inspection process at Ellis Island was frightening for new immigrants.
5. Which line from the text best supports this central idea? (1 point)
1.Before they could be admitted to the United States, immigrants had to pass through Ellis Island.
2.The immigrants had numbered identity tags pinned to their clothing.
3.Since trachoma caused more than half of all medical detentions, this doctor was greatly feared.
4.They were allowed to sit and rest and try again.

I think it is 1

so then what is the answer?

I disagree. There's nothing in #1 that includes the concept of "frightening."

To determine which line from the text best supports the central idea that the inspection process at Ellis Island was frightening for new immigrants, we need to look for information that describes the experience or feelings of the immigrants during the inspection.

Line 3, "Since trachoma caused more than half of all medical detentions, this doctor was greatly feared," does mention the fear of the doctor, but it does not directly relate to the entire inspection process being frightening.

Line 4, "They were allowed to sit and rest and try again," does not support the idea of the inspection process being frightening. It suggests that immigrants were given a chance to rest and try again, which might provide some relief.

Line 1, "Before they could be admitted to the United States, immigrants had to pass through Ellis Island," does mention Ellis Island as a required step for admission to the United States, but it does not provide any indication of the inspection process being frightening.

Line 2, "The immigrants had numbered identity tags pinned to their clothing," highlights a specific detail of the inspection process that could add to the frightening experience for new immigrants. The use of identity tags indicates a system of control and monitoring, which may contribute to their fear and uncertainty.

Therefore, based on the options provided, line 2, "The immigrants had numbered identity tags pinned to their clothing," best supports the central idea that the inspection process at Ellis Island was frightening for new immigrants.

Conexus 6th student figure it out yourself