The growth of a certain plant was measured over a period of several days. How many centimeters did the plant grow between day 15 and day 25?

With no data there is no way to answer this question.

The person above me is right! With no data there is no answer.

To determine the growth of the plant between day 15 and day 25, you need to refer to the measurements taken on these specific days. Assuming you have those measurements, you can subtract the measurement on day 15 from the measurement on day 25 to find the growth in centimeters.

Let's denote the measurement on day 15 as "h1" and the measurement on day 25 as "h2". The growth of the plant between day 15 and day 25 can be calculated using the following formula:

Growth = h2 - h1

Simply subtract the measurement on day 15 from the measurement on day 25 to obtain the growth in centimeters.