Can someone check my answers please?

1.How can a female inherit red-green color blindness?
A.Her mother is not a carrier, and her father has the condition.
B.Females cannot inherit red-green color blindness.
C.Her mother is a carrier, and her father has the condition.
D.Her mother is a carrier, and her father does not have the condition.*****
2.A purebred tall pea plant is cross-pollinated with a tall, heterozygous pea plant. Use a Punnett square to determine the probability the offspring inherit a recessive short allele.
3.If a mother is affected by an X-linked dominant condition and the father is not, which children can inherit the condition?
A.only females
B.both males and females*****
C.only males
D.neither males nor females
Thank you so much!!!!

To check your answers, let's go through each question and explain the reasoning behind the correct answer.

1. How can a female inherit red-green color blindness?
Correct Answer: D. Her mother is a carrier, and her father does not have the condition.

Explanation: Red-green color blindness is an X-linked recessive trait, meaning it is carried on the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes (XX) while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). If a female inherits one normal X chromosome from her mother (who is a carrier) and one affected X chromosome from her father (who does not have the condition), she will be a carrier but not express the condition herself.

2. A purebred tall pea plant is cross-pollinated with a tall, heterozygous pea plant. Use a Punnett square to determine the probability the offspring inherit a recessive short allele.
Correct Answer: B. 25%

Explanation: In this scenario, tall (T) is dominant and short (t) is recessive. The purebred tall plant is homozygous dominant (TT) and the heterozygous plant is heterozygous (Tt). When we cross these two plants using a Punnett square, we see that there is a 25% chance of the offspring inheriting the recessive short allele (tt) when we consider all the possible combinations of alleles (TT, Tt, Tt, tt).

3. If a mother is affected by an X-linked dominant condition and the father is not, which children can inherit the condition?
Correct Answer: B. Both males and females

Explanation: X-linked dominant conditions are caused by a mutation on the X chromosome. In this case, if the mother is affected by an X-linked dominant condition, she will pass on the mutated X chromosome to both male and female offspring. Since males have one X chromosome and females have two, there is a chance that both males and females can inherit the condition from an affected mother.