According to the video "Meeting a need" which of the following is a basic need in life? Select all that apply. (Only 3)

A. Food <-----
B. Education <------
C. water
D. Clothing <-------
E. Transportation

I agree with one (maybe two) of your choices. I haven't seen the video, though, of course.

Think about what "basic need" means? What can you NOT stay alive without?

Water? Because if you get dehydrated you can possibly get a heart stroke


To find the answer to this question, we need to refer to the video "Meeting a need." Unfortunately, as an AI text-based bot, I don't have direct access to videos or the ability to watch them. However, I can provide you with a general understanding of basic needs in life.

Basic needs are the essential necessities required for survival. These needs typically include things like food, water, shelter, and clothing. Education and transportation, while important, are considered secondary needs as they are not immediate survival requirements.

Based on this information, the correct options for basic needs in life would be:
A. Food
D. Clothing
C. Water

Please note that this answer is based on the general understanding of basic needs. It would be best to refer to the specific video "Meeting a need" for the most accurate and complete information.