Explain the transfer of authority symbolized by the transfer of keys between Helen, Kate, and Annie throughout the play. Write a paragraph of at least 125 words.

im a -nihgger

In the play, the transfer of keys symbolizes the transfer of authority between Helen, Kate, and Annie. Throughout the story, the keys play a significant role in determining who holds power and control over certain aspects of the characters' lives. The keys serve as a physical representation of authority, granting access and control to the various spaces and possessions. At the beginning of the play, Helen holds the keys, embodying the authority and control over the household. However, as the story progresses, the keys are passed on from Helen to Kate, indicating a shift in power dynamics. This transfer signifies Kate's growing influence and her assumption of responsibilities within the household. Finally, the keys are eventually transferred to Annie, representing the ultimate transfer of authority. This symbolic act demonstrates the evolving power dynamics among the characters and highlights the progression of their individual journeys throughout the play. By observing the transfer of keys, the audience can gain insight into the changing relationships and power struggles of the characters.

I think that the keys symbolise the pass of authority by the fact that a strong message of trust is passed with the keys.

Sry its not 125wrds.

school suck whom agrees we should all do only the 3 major classes math, reading. and writing thATS IT.

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