What was the outcome of the 1914 Battle of Tannenberg on the eastern front?

The battle resulted in a stalemate as both Russian and German armies suffered heavy losses.
The battle caused Russia to seek a peace treaty to end its conflict with Germany.
Russia suffered almost 80,000 casualties and 90,000 prisoners of war as compared to Germany’s 15,000 casualties.
Russia was decisively victorious, capturing more than 50,000 German troops and halting their advance.
I think it is the third one.


The correct answer is actually the second one: "The battle caused Russia to seek a peace treaty to end its conflict with Germany." To verify this information, you can consult historical sources such as books, articles, or reliable websites that discuss the events of the 1914 Battle of Tannenberg. These sources should provide details on the outcome of the battle and the subsequent actions taken by the parties involved. By cross-referencing information from multiple sources, you can ensure the accuracy of your answer.