They shut the road through the woods seventy years ago’.

a. Name the poem and the poet.
b. Whom does ‘they’ refer to?
c. Why were the roads shut down ?

To answer your questions about the poem, "They shut the road through the woods seventy years ago," we will follow a step-by-step process to find the information.

a. To identify the poem and the poet, we can perform a search using relevant keywords from the line you provided. Let's search using the line "They shut the road through the woods seventy years ago" in quotation marks. This will allow us to find sources directly quoting this line.

b. Now, we need to determine whom the pronoun 'they' refers to in the poem. To do this, we can examine the context provided in the poem or any information we find about the poem's subject. Often, pronouns like 'they' refer to specific individuals or groups mentioned within the text.

c. Lastly, we will investigate why the roads were shut down. Again, we can look for clues within the poem or seek information about the poem's background, historical context, or any commentaries or analyses written about it.

By following these steps, we can find the specific answers you are looking for. Let's begin the search process.

The poem reveals Rudyard Kipling's love for nature, his style of writing about nature and his relationship with the nature which is also evident in his 'Jungle Book', and 'Kim'