From time to time, companies will issue a reverse split concurrently with a forward split, making a reverse/forward split. Note that in reverse/forward splits, the shareholder's old shares are erased, as they receive a number of new shares in proportion to their original holdings.

How do we pronounce " reverse/forward split"?
1. reverse slash forward split
2. reverse or forward split
3. reverse forward split

Thank you.

You're welcome.

To determine the correct pronunciation of "reverse/forward split," we can break down the term into its individual components.

1. The word "reverse" is pronounced as "ri-verse," with the emphasis on the first syllable.
2. The slash symbol ("/") is typically read as "slash" when pronouncing it out loud.
3. The word "forward" is pronounced as "for-ward," with the emphasis on the first syllable.
4. Finally, the term "split" can be pronounced as "split," with the emphasis on the single syllable.

Considering the above breakdown, the correct pronunciation of "reverse/forward split" would be a combination of the individual terms. Option 1, "reverse slash forward split," provides the accurate pronunciation.