Raj often helps his grandfather weed the garden. The rectangular garden has a perimeter of 88 metres. The length is thrice the breadth. What is the area of the garden?

width --- x

length --- 3x
2x + 2(3x) = 88
8x = 88
x = ....

finish it up, and state your conclusion. Remember area = length x width

Keddy often helps his grandfather weed the garden. The rectangular garden has a perimeter of 106 metres. The length is 27 metres longer than the breadth. What is the area of the garden?

Raj often helps his grandfather weed the garden. The rectangular garden has a perimeter of 88 metres. The length is 8 metres longer than the breadth. What is the area of the garden?

Cheko often helps his grandfather weed the garden. The rectangular garden has a perimeter of 100 metres. The length is 30 metres longer than the breadth. What is the area of the garden?

To find the area of the garden, we need to first determine the values for the length and breadth. Let's solve the problem step by step:

Let's assume the breadth of the garden is x meters.
According to the problem, the length is thrice the breadth, so the length would be 3x meters.

The perimeter of a rectangle is calculated by adding up all the sides. In this case, the perimeter is given as 88 meters.

We can write the equation for the perimeter as:
Perimeter = 2*(Length + Breadth)

Plugging in the values, we have:
88 = 2*(3x + x)

Simplifying the equation:
88 = 2*(4x)
44 = 4x
x = 11

Now that we have found the value of the breadth (x = 11 meters), we can find the value of the length:
Length = 3x = 3 * 11 = 33 meters

Finally, the area of the rectangular garden can be calculated by multiplying the length and breadth:
Area = Length * Breadth
Area = 33 * 11
Area = 363 square meters

Therefore, the area of the garden is 363 square meters.