The central aspect of the Neolithic Revolution was the

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transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a settled agricultural lifestyle. This shift occurred during the late Paleolithic Era around 10,000 BCE and had a profound impact on human societies.

To understand the central aspect of the Neolithic Revolution, let's break it down into the following steps:

1. Define the Neolithic Revolution: The Neolithic Revolution refers to the major shift in human culture when ancient societies transitioned from being primarily nomadic hunter-gatherers to settled agricultural communities.

2. Identify the central aspect: The central aspect of the Neolithic Revolution is the adoption of agriculture as the primary means of subsistence. Instead of relying on hunting and gathering for food, early humans began to cultivate crops and domesticate animals for a more consistent and sustainable source of food.

3. Understand the significance: The transition to agriculture had several key impacts on human societies. Firstly, it allowed for an increase in population size as settled communities could produce more food than nomadic groups. It also led to the development of more permanent settlements and the establishment of property rights. The surplus of food created a division of labor, where some individuals could specialize in other tasks beyond food production, such as crafting, trading, and governing. Additionally, agriculture led to the development of more complex social structures, as larger communities required coordination and organization.

To summarize, the central aspect of the Neolithic Revolution was the shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture, which brought about significant changes in human societies, such as increased population size, permanent settlements, division of labor, and social complexity.