True or false: In chemistry, the mole is used the same way that a grocer would use a dozen. It is a number representing a quantity that is independent of mass or volume.


Avogadro’s number:
A Equals 6.02 × 10^23 molecules/mole.
B Is used to determine the number of atoms or molecules in a substance.
C Equals the number of atoms in 1 gram of 12C.
D All of the above.


1 is true.

2. Is C true? If not that D can't be right.

Correct. The statement is true. Avogadro's number, represented by the letter A, equals 6.02 × 10^23 molecules/mole. It is used to determine the number of atoms or molecules in a substance and also equals the number of atoms in 1 gram of 12C. Therefore, the correct answer is D, all of the above.

Yes, the correct answer is D. Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.02 x 10^23, is used in chemistry to represent the number of atoms or molecules in a substance. It is commonly used in calculations involving the mole, which is a quantity that is independent of mass or volume. Additionally, Avogadro's number is equal to the number of atoms in 1 gram of the isotope carbon-12 (12C).