How did the Second Great Awakening contribute to westward expansion?

A. Americans wanted to establish Catholic missions throughout the West.
B. Americans were forced to leave states on the Atlantic coast because of religious fighting.
C. Americans felt like they should separate themselves from modern life in the East.
D. Americans believed they had a religious purpose to spread over the entire continent.

The answer is D, Americans believed they had a religious purpose to spread over the entire continent. (I just took the test) :)

The answer is D. Americans believed they had a religious purpose to spread over the entire continent.

The Second Great Awakening was a religious revival movement that took place in the early 19th century in the United States. It had a significant impact on American society and played a role in westward expansion. Here's how:

1. Religious Zeal: The Second Great Awakening was characterized by a strong religious zeal and a belief in personal salvation. Many Americans felt a sense of religious duty and believed that they had a divine purpose to spread their religious beliefs and convert others to their faith.

2. Missionary Work: As a result of the religious fervor during the Second Great Awakening, there was an increased emphasis on missionary work and evangelism. Many religious groups and denominations, such as the Methodists and Baptists, actively sent missionaries westward to convert Native Americans and other settlers. This missionary activity contributed to the westward expansion by establishing religious communities and institutions in newly settled areas.

3. Moral Reform: The Second Great Awakening also led to a focus on moral reform and social issues. Many reform movements, such as abolitionism and temperance, emerged during this time. These reformers often saw westward expansion as an opportunity to create new communities based on their moral and religious values. They believed that by spreading their beliefs and establishing these communities, they could create a more righteous and virtuous society across the continent.

4. Community Building: The Second Great Awakening fostered a sense of community and shared religious values among its followers. As settlers moved west, they often sought out areas where they could establish communities of like-minded individuals who shared their religious beliefs. This sense of community and purpose encouraged settlers to venture into new territories, contributing to the westward expansion of the United States.

In summary, the Second Great Awakening contributed to westward expansion by instilling a sense of religious duty and purpose among Americans. They believed they had a divine mission to spread their religious beliefs, engage in missionary work, and establish religious communities across the continent. This led to the migration of religious groups and settlers, ultimately contributing to the westward expansion of the United States.

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