A prescription for amoxicillin comes in an oral suspension that is 250 mg/5.0 mL. A patient is prescribed 500 mg every 6 h. How many milliliters of amoxicillin should the patient take per dose? How many teaspoons? How many teaspoons per day?

Put the numbers down and look at them.

You want 500 mg per dose. Your solution is 250 mg/5.0 mL so wouldn't you think the patient will need 10.0 mL?
(250 mg/5.0 mL) x # mL = 500 mg
# mL = 500*5.0/250 = 10
You can go to google and convert to teasoons

A prescription for amoxicillin comes in an oral suspension that is 250 mg/5.0 mL. A patient has prescribed 500 mg every 6 h. How many milliliters of amoxicillin should the patient take per dose? How many teaspoons? How many teaspoons per day? Very hard question

To determine how many milliliters of amoxicillin the patient should take per dose, we can use the given concentration of the oral suspension, which is 250 mg/5.0 mL.

Step 1: Calculate the dose in milliliters per dose.
The patient is prescribed 500 mg every 6 hours. Since the concentration of the oral suspension is 250 mg/5.0 mL, we can set up a proportion:

250 mg/5.0 mL = 500 mg/x mL

Cross-multiplying, we get:
250 mg * x mL = 5.0 mL * 500 mg

Dividing both sides by 250 mg:
x mL = (5.0 mL * 500 mg) / 250 mg

x mL = 10 mL

Therefore, the patient should take 10 mL of amoxicillin per dose.

Step 2: Convert milliliters to teaspoons.
Since 1 teaspoon is approximately equal to 5 mL, we can use this conversion to find out how many teaspoons the patient should take.

10 mL / 5 mL per teaspoon = 2 teaspoons

Therefore, the patient should take 2 teaspoons of amoxicillin per dose.

Step 3: Calculate the total teaspoons per day.
The patient is prescribed to take the dose every 6 hours. To find out how many doses the patient will take per day, we need to calculate the total number of doses in a 24-hour period:

24 hours / 6 hours per dose = 4 doses

Multiplying the teaspoons per dose by the total number of doses per day:

2 teaspoons per dose * 4 doses per day = 8 teaspoons per day

Therefore, the patient should take 8 teaspoons of amoxicillin per day.