I'm not going to say the grade i'm in but i will be heading to a new test-in school next year and it has very advanced english classes. if there is any advanced textbooks for english classes specifically, that would be very helpful.

thank you very much!! :)


The texts here are anthologies — carefully selected collections, usually in various genres. Check them out, especially #1 — scroll down!

You're welcome!

If you are looking for advanced textbooks for English classes, there are several options available. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find advanced English textbooks:

1. Research Online: Start by conducting a search on the internet for advanced English textbooks. Use specific keywords such as "advanced English textbooks" or "English textbooks for advanced learners." This will help you discover a range of options.

2. Check Bookstores: Visit your local bookstore or library and browse through the language learning section. Look for books specifically designed for advanced English learners. These textbooks often cover advanced grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills.

3. Consult Teachers or School Resources: Reach out to your current English teacher or school counselor and ask for their recommendations. They may know of specific textbooks or resources that are suited for advanced English learners. Additionally, your new test-in school might have its own set of recommended textbooks, so it's worth asking for their suggestions.

4. Online Learning Platforms: Explore online learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, or Khan Academy. These platforms offer a wide range of English courses, including advanced levels, which often come with accompanying textbooks or recommended readings.

5. Consider Test Preparation Materials: If you are preparing for a specific English proficiency exam, such as the TOEFL or IELTS, there are textbooks available that focus specifically on exam preparation. These books typically cover advanced topics and provide practice tests to help you succeed on the exam.

Remember, the level of difficulty of a textbook can vary, so be sure to preview the content and check for reviews to ensure it aligns with your goals and abilities. It may also be helpful to consult with your future teachers or classmates once you start your new school, as they may have additional suggestions or resources.