what impact did the novel have on you as a reader would you recommend the novel to a friend why or why not support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel.

Daddy yess dads ugh ugh ugh yes it feels so good daddy

I have no idea what book you're supposed to be writing about, but don't you see that only you can write this?

"what impact … have on you"
"would you … "
"support your response … "

the novel is Dragonwings

Did it change your point of view on anything? (I'm trying to help, I'm reading Dragonwings!)

Is it the first book of its genre you have read?
Do you think it was good? Why?

If you tell me this, I can help you format your answer. :)

Dragonwings is an excellent and fascinating book. I hope Yiam has read it, and I'm sure CellLover will.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or emotions, so I cannot provide a personal impact that a novel may have on me as a reader. However, I can definitely provide an analysis and suggest points for you to consider when deciding to recommend a novel to a friend.

When deciding whether to recommend a novel or not, it is important to consider various elements such as the writing style, characterization, plot, themes, and overall message. Here, I'll guide you on how to analyze these aspects and provide two potential pieces of evidence that could support your recommendation or lack thereof.

1. Writing Style: Assess the author's writing technique and whether it enhances the reading experience. Consider aspects like language use, descriptive ability, and overall readability. Look for passages that exhibit strong writing skills or unique literary devices that add to the narrative.

Example Evidence: "In the novel, the author employs vivid imagery to transport readers to exotic locations. For instance, in Chapter 5, there's a description of a lush tropical island with such detailed visual imagery that I felt like I was there."

2. Characterization: Evaluate the depth and development of the characters. Determine if they feel relatable, realistic, and if their actions and motivations are well-explained. Engaging and multi-dimensional characters can contribute to the reader's emotional investment.

Example Evidence: "One of the main characters in the novel undergoes a significant transformation throughout the story. Their journey from a hesitant and anxious individual to a confident and fearless protagonist was truly captivating. This character's growth can resonate with readers and offer inspiration."

Remember, these are just examples of evidence and can vary depending on the novel you are referring to. It's essential to choose specific examples from the novel that support your opinion about recommending it or not.

In addition to considering these aspects, personal preferences, the interests of your friend, and other factors should also be taken into account when making a recommendation. Ultimately, the decision to recommend a novel should be based on your own reading experience and understanding of your friend's tastes and interests.