in act 2 scene 4 of a Christmas carol scrooge and Marley what are the two women and man selling to old joe. T

I guess "Stave Two" is the same as Act 2??


You're welcome!

In Act 2 Scene 4 of "A Christmas Carol," Scrooge and Marley, there are two women and a man who are selling stolen goods to Old Joe. To find out specifically what they are selling, we can refer to the original text of Charles Dickens' novel.

To access the text, you can follow these steps:
1. Open a web browser.
2. Go to a reliable search engine like Google.
3. Type in "A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens."
4. Look for a reputable source, such as Project Gutenberg, which provides free access to many classic books.
5. Click on the link to access the full text of the novel.

Once you have accessed the novel, locate Act 2 Scene 4, and read the description to find out what the two women and man are selling to Old Joe. This will give you the exact details from the original source.

Remember, it's always best to refer to the original text for an accurate and reliable answer.