Which best describes a correct order of the water cycle? *

1 point

precipitation, runoff, condensation, evaporation, precipitation

precipitation, runoff, evaporation, condensation, precipitation

precipitation, evaporation, condensation, runoff, precipitation

precipitation, evaporation, runoff, condensation, precipitation

precipitation, Runoff, Condensation, evaporation, precipitation

The correct order of the water cycle is:

1. Evaporation
2. Condensation
3. Precipitation
4. Runoff

Therefore, the correct option is:

precipitation, evaporation, condensation, runoff, precipitation

To determine the correct order of the water cycle, you need to understand the different stages involved. The water cycle is a continuous process through which water circulates on Earth. The correct order of the water cycle is as follows:

1. Evaporation: Heat from the sun causes water from oceans, lakes, and rivers to change from a liquid to a gas (water vapor). This process is known as evaporation.

2. Condensation: As the warm water vapor rises into the atmosphere, it cools down and turns back into liquid form. This process is called condensation and results in the formation of clouds.

3. Precipitation: When the water droplets in the clouds become too heavy, they fall to the ground in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail. This is known as precipitation.

4. Runoff: When precipitation reaches the surface of the Earth, it either seeps into the ground (infiltration) or flows over the land as runoff, eventually collecting in rivers, lakes, and oceans.

Therefore, the correct order of the water cycle is:
Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Runoff

From the given options, the correct answer is: precipitation, evaporation, condensation, runoff, precipitation.

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