Which sentence is punctuated incorrectly?

Lennie felt a cold coming on, so he went shopping for supplies: throat lozenges, tissues, cough medicine, and vitamin C.

The author who is speaking today has written several works on historical subjects, including: the Civil War, the French Revolution, and the exploration of the Arctic.

One commodity is crucial to the future of Phoenix and other cities located in the desert: water.***

Please buy the following at the grocery store: a pound of steak, three potatoes, a watermelon, and a case of soda.

No, C is punctuated correctly.

Okay thank you for your help!!

Oh okay hm... Is it B? I looked back at the text and B doesn't look right.

Yes. In B, there should be no colon.

You’re welcome.

The sentence that is punctuated incorrectly is:

The author who is speaking today has written several works on historical subjects, including: the Civil War, the French Revolution, and the exploration of the Arctic.

To identify the incorrect punctuation, we need to analyze the use of the colon (":") in the sentence. Colons are typically used to introduce a list or provide an explanation. In this case, the colon is used after the word "including" to introduce the list of historical subjects.

However, the incorrect use of the colon is in placing it after the word "including." The correct placement of the colon would be after the word "subjects." So, the sentence should be punctuated as follows:

The author who is speaking today has written several works on historical subjects, including the Civil War, the French Revolution, and the exploration of the Arctic.