What important rights for defendants were established during the Warren Court?


All defendants have the right to a government attorney.


Defendants have the right to a fair, public, and speedy trial.


Defendants have a right to be heard by a jury of their peers.


Evidence cannot be obtained illegally without due process.


Lawyers can be disbarred if they lie on behalf of a defendant.


so the answer is B and C?

Yes, B and C.

ur wrong

The correct options among the choices that pertain to the important rights for defendants established during the Warren Court are B, C, and D.

B. Defendants have the right to a fair, public, and speedy trial: The Warren Court established that defendants have a right to a trial that is fair, public, and speedy. This means that defendants should be given a fair opportunity to present their case, the trial should be open to the public to ensure transparency, and the trial should be conducted promptly to avoid unnecessary delays.

C. Defendants have a right to be heard by a jury of their peers: The Warren Court affirmed that defendants have a constitutional right to have their case heard by a jury of their peers. This means that the jury should be composed of individuals from the same community as the defendant who can provide an impartial judgment based on the facts of the case.

D. Evidence cannot be obtained illegally without due process: The Warren Court emphasized the principle that evidence obtained illegally, without proper adherence to due process rights, cannot be used against a defendant in court. This ensures that defendants are protected from unconstitutional searches and seizures, and that evidence can only be used if it was lawfully obtained.

Therefore, options B, C, and D are the correct answers that represent the important rights for defendants established during the Warren Court.