A dolphin swims in the ocean at −37 feet then jumps 8 feet above the surface of the water. What is the vertical distance of the dolphin?

The distance moved is the difference between where it ended, and where it started.

8 - (-37) = 45

To find the vertical distance of the dolphin, we need to subtract the initial depth of the dolphin from the jump height.

Given that the dolphin swims at -37 feet and jumps 8 feet above the water surface, we can calculate the vertical distance as follows:

Vertical distance = Jump height - Initial depth
= 8 feet - (-37 feet)
= 8 feet + 37 feet
= 45 feet

Therefore, the vertical distance of the dolphin is 45 feet.

To find the vertical distance of the dolphin, we need to add the depth at which the dolphin swims below the water surface and the height it jumps above the water surface.

Depth of the dolphin below the water surface: -37 feet
Height of the dolphin above the water surface: 8 feet

To find the vertical distance, we can simply add these two values.

Vertical distance = Depth + Height

Vertical distance = -37 feet + 8 feet

When adding a negative number to a positive number, we treat it as subtracting the absolute value of the negative number from the positive number.

Vertical distance = 8 feet - 37 feet

Vertical distance = -29 feet

Therefore, the vertical distance of the dolphin is -29 feet.
