What is the focus of strain theory?

the strain that hostile environments put on a person’s nervous system, increasing their aggression

the strain people feel when they feel uninvolved and isolated from their communities

the strain society experiences when there is a massive change in population or employment

the strain people feel when society’s idea of success seems impossible to reach through traditional means

I think it is A.

"Strain leads to negative emotions which lead to crime - must have negative emotions for crime to occur, just strain is not enough. Stress, guilt, or depression can lead to drug use or abuse-ANGER most likely to produce crime, especially violent and retaliatory crimes. Strains may not lead lead to crime if people use positive "copy strategies"."

so, A.

Hope This Helps

ty speedycake x

1). Which theory of crime focuses mostly on how the structure and chemistry of the brain might affect behavior?

An) Biological Theories
2). Determine if the statement is true or false.

Harsh prison sentences alone cannot prevent crime.
An) True
3). Determine if the statement is true or false.

The idea of uncontrollable criminal impulses based on an offender's genetic makeup was proven by the Human Genome Project.
An) False
4). Determine if the statement is true or false.

Social learning theorists believe that criminals learn to break the law by watching other people model aggressive or illegal behavior.
An) True
5). Which of these are tactics that a control theorist might use?
(Select all that apply.)
An) All of them but this one "increase surveillance of subject to ensure control of their behavior" (This is the one you do NOT click. Click all the other three but do NOT click this one)
6). Determine if the statement is true or false.

Periods of major change lead to social disorganization that in turn lowers the crime rate, according to social-ecological theory.
An) False
7). What is the focus of strain theory?
An) the strain people feel when society’s idea of success seems impossible to reach through traditional means
8). Determine if the statement is true or false.

The majority of Americans think that crime is less common than it really is.
An) False
9). Determine if the statement is true or false.

Over the past 25 years, violent crime in the United States has dropped sharply.
An) True
10). If a treatment program focused on providing models of positive behavior, rewarding positive behavior, and providing consequences for aggressive behavior, which theories would the program be based on?
(Select all that apply.)
An) Behavioral theory, Social Learning Theory


np :3

Not A, took The quiz and got it wrong.

Actually, the correct answer is D. The focus of strain theory is the strain people feel when society's idea of success seems impossible to reach through traditional means. Strain theory, developed by sociologist Robert Merton, suggests that when individuals are unable to achieve culturally prescribed goals (such as wealth, status, or success) through legitimate means, they experience strain or frustration. This strain can lead to various forms of deviant behavior as individuals seek alternative ways to attain their goals.