11. This question has two parts:

1. List some important ideas that Walk Two Moons includes. Why did you choose those
2. Tell how using a Reading Role helped you understand the book. The Reading Roles are
described in the link on Unit 4, Lesson 6, slide 5, number 4

Can someone give me some ideas or a hint to answer this question

To answer the first part of the question, "List some important ideas that Walk Two Moons includes and explain why you chose those ideas," you can begin by brainstorming some key themes or concepts explored in the book. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Grief and Loss: Walk Two Moons explores the theme of grief and loss through the experiences of the protagonist, Salamanca. It delves into the various ways people cope with loss and how it affects their lives.

2. Identity and Self-Discovery: The book also delves into the theme of identity and self-discovery as Salamanca navigates her journey and tries to understand herself and her place in the world.

3. Friendship and Relationships: Throughout the story, the importance of friendship and the impact it can have on one's life is emphasized. Salamanca's relationships with her friends help shape her perspective and provide support during challenging times.

4. Perception and Perspective: Walk Two Moons explores the concept of perception and how different individuals can interpret the same events differently. It highlights the importance of considering multiple perspectives to gain a more comprehensive understanding.

Now, to answer the second part of the question and discuss how using a Reading Role helped you understand the book, let's refer to the Reading Roles described in Unit 4, Lesson 6, slide 5, number 4.

The Reading Roles strategy encourages readers to actively engage with the text and assume specific roles to deepen their understanding. Here's an example of how you can incorporate the Reading Roles to analyze Walk Two Moons:

1. The Connector: As the Connector, you make connections between your own experiences, other texts, or real-world events. This role can be helpful in understanding Walk Two Moons by relating the events and feelings in the book to personal experiences or other works of literature.

2. The Predictor: In this role, you anticipate what might happen next in the story based on your prior knowledge and evidence from the text. Applying the role of the Predictor helps you actively engage with the narrative and analyze the author's techniques, creating a more immersive reading experience.

3. The Summarizer: As the Summarizer, you condense key events, plot points, or ideas into concise summaries. Summarizing the story and its various parts can aid in comprehending the overarching themes and narrative structure of Walk Two Moons.

4. The Questioner: This role involves generating questions about the text to deepen your understanding. By asking thought-provoking questions, you prompt yourself to analyze the characters' motivations, the author's choices, and the overall themes addressed in Walk Two Moons.

By using these Reading Roles, you actively engage with the text, helping you develop a deeper understanding of the book's ideas, themes, and narrative structure.

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For content, the best I can do is send you this:
Read the Summary & Analysis section, plus maybe the Characters sections.