1.persuasion is achieved by the speaker's personal character when the speech is so spoken as to make us think him credible

2. secondly, persuasion may come through the hearers when the speech stirs their emotions.

3. thirdly, persuasion is effected through the speech itself when we have proved a truth or apparent truth by means of the persuasive arguments suitable to the case in question.

Number 1 is describing:


Number 2 is describing:


Number 3 is describing:


please helpπŸ™

A tutor might check YOUR answers if you post them. You may need to look up each of those terms on Google or www.onelook.com first.

check my answers

number 1: B
number 2: A
number 3: C

I think 1 and 3 are reversed, but check your text to make sure.

To determine the correct answers, let's break down the descriptions given for each number:

1. "Persuasion is achieved by the speaker's personal character when the speech is so spoken as to make us think him credible." This description is referring to the trustworthiness and credibility of the speaker.

2. "Persuasion may come through the hearers when the speech stirs their emotions." This description relates to the emotional appeal made by the speaker to the audience.

3. "Persuasion is effected through the speech itself when we have proved a truth or apparent truth by means of the persuasive arguments suitable to the case in question." This description is about the logical arguments and evidence presented in the speech.

Now, let's match these descriptions to the given options:

- Number 1 describes ethos because it emphasizes the credibility and personal character of the speaker.
- Number 2 describes pathos because it focuses on stirring the emotions of the audience.
- Number 3 describes logos because it pertains to logical arguments and evidence.

Therefore, the correct answers are:
1. Ethos
2. Pathos
3. Logos