________ cells are created by the division of _______________ cells.

Answers pls check: All cells are created by the division of all cells.
Am I right in both blanks I would put all?

You are correct, but I suspect your teacher had something else in mind. I am a little hung up on "division"...think of the differences between mitosis and meisos. and finally a zygote cell which is not exactly the result of any division of another cell.

okay thanks!

I would put haploid for the first blank and diploid for the second blank.

No, you are not correct in both blanks. The correct answers for the blanks are:

1. All cells are created by the division of existing cells.
2. All cells are created by the division of parent cells.

When new cells are produced, they typically arise from preexisting cells through a process called cell division. This division can occur through various methods, such as mitosis or meiosis, depending on the purpose and type of cells involved. In each case, a parent cell divides into two or more daughter cells. These daughter cells can then go on to mature and perform their specific functions within an organism.