which cells carry nutrients from food to the rest of the cells in the body.

A. Blood cells
B. Nerve cells
C. muscle cells
D. stomach cells

A. Blood cells

How are blood cells and stomach cells similar?

A. Both help with digestion.
B. both help maintain homeostasis.
C. both secrete enzymes
D. both send signals in the body

A. Both help with digestion.

The correct answer is A. Blood cells.

The correct answer is A. Blood cells carry nutrients from food to the rest of the cells in the body.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the role of blood cells in transporting nutrients. One type of blood cell responsible for this task is called red blood cells. These cells contain a molecule called hemoglobin, which binds to oxygen and nutrients like glucose. As blood circulates through the body, red blood cells pick up the nutrients from the digestive system and deliver them to all the cells in the body.

To find this answer in a reliable source, you can refer to a biology textbook, an anatomy and physiology resource, or consult a credible website that provides information on human body systems and functions.