Excerpt from Chapter 7 of Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy)

7. How does the style of the passage connect to the theme of maintaining the social order?

Its vivid description of numerous characters shows that changes are coming to every social class.

Its pastoral focus on the mother and child shows the way in which beliefs are passed through classes.

Its use of stream of consciousness shows how the protagonist becomes distracted from larger issues.

Its long and complex sentences show that matters related to social rank and privilege were equally complex.

Its matter-of-fact tone shows that the social order was of vital and primary importance to members of society. ###

8. What is the purpose of the description of the baby at the beginning and end of this passage?

to foreshadow larger social changes ####

to create suspense about his destiny

to illustrate the importance of the next generation

to imply that Kitty's children will turn against her

to show Kitty's primarily domestic function

9. How do the canopy and the fan in the first paragraph of this passage develop a theme present in the passage?

They show a typical household scene.

They illustrate the suffering of the lower classes.

They represent the separation of women from men.

They represent the sheltered world in which Kitty lives. ####

They demonstrate Kitty's desire to think well of her husband.

10. Which of the following best describes the effect of Kitty's physical location on the reader's understanding of the novel's society?

It indicates that women are closer to nature than men.

It illustrates the contempt in which she holds the men.

It shows that motherhood is a primarily private process.

It emphasizes her isolation from the men talking inside.

It demonstrates that men did not value women's contributions. ####


Please read and reread your assignment plus this study guide. Since I haven't read this work, these readings should help you decide if you are correct or not.

7. The correct answer is D. Its long and complex sentences show that matters related to social rank and privilege were equally complex. The style of the passage, characterized by long and complex sentences, reflects the complexity and intricacy of social rank and privilege, highlighting the importance of maintaining the social order.

8. The purpose of the description of the baby at the beginning and end of this passage is A. to foreshadow larger social changes. The description of the baby symbolizes the next generation and the potential for change in society as they grow older.

9. The canopy and the fan in the first paragraph of this passage develop the theme of D. they represent the sheltered world in which Kitty lives. The canopy and fan create an image of Kitty's protected and confined existence, reflecting the sheltered world she inhabits as a member of the upper class.

10. The effect of Kitty's physical location on the reader's understanding of the novel's society is E. it demonstrates that men did not value women's contributions. Kitty being outside and isolated from the men talking inside represents the marginalization and undervaluing of women's roles and contributions in society.

7. D. Its long and complex sentences show that matters related to social rank and privilege were equally complex. To determine the connection between the style of the passage and the theme of maintaining the social order, we need to look for clues in the passage. The passage's long and complex sentences suggest that the topic of social rank and privilege is intricate and sophisticated, which aligns with the theme of maintaining the social order.

8. C. to illustrate the importance of the next generation. To understand the purpose of the description of the baby at the beginning and end of the passage, we need to analyze its role in the narrative. The description serves to highlight the significance of the next generation and emphasizes the cycle of life, suggesting that the continuation of society depends on the growth and development of future generations.

9. D. They represent the sheltered world in which Kitty lives. To identify how the canopy and the fan in the first paragraph of the passage develop a theme present in the passage, we need to consider their symbolic meaning. The canopy and the fan represent the protected and secluded world in which Kitty lives, portraying her as sheltered from the harsh realities of society. This aligns with the theme of the passage, which explores the social order and the constraints placed on individuals within it.

10. E. It demonstrates that men did not value women's contributions. To determine the effect of Kitty's physical location on the reader's understanding of the novel's society, we need to analyze the implications conveyed through her placement. By being isolated from the men talking inside and positioned outside, Kitty's physical location suggests that women's contributions are undervalued and not given equal importance in society. This supports the theme of gender inequality and the limited agency of women in the novel.